Wills & Probate
Estate planning gives you the opportunity to control events upon your illness, incapacity or death, for your family’s continued well being. Without proper planning, your assets may not be distributed in the manner you would have intended. You are entitled to prepare a will or trust that will distribute your assets in the manner you consider most appropriate. Trusts can be a component of your will or a separate legal entity. It is beneficial to use trusts to avoid the probate process or to minimize estate and income taxes.

Estate Planning also includes power of attorney and healthcare directives. Estate Planning can be complex at times when people are not sure of the distribution process and the legal implications that follow thereafter. Your estate planning requirements are unique and need special attention to devise.
The Lane Law Firm can advise you to make the right choices to plan your assets such that you can preserve them and also benefit from minimum tax. I specialize in creating wills and trusts that benefits you in every possible way.
Areas we specialize in:
- Simple Wills
- Revocable and irrevocable Trusts
- Estate Planning
- Will Disputes
- Living Wills
For over 11 years, our professional staff has been offering sound legal advice in all the areas of law mentioned above.
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